Sunday, July 13, 2003

Longing & Mumchance
"In a universe of so-called oneness, what is not the same? We want it to be us. And we do not want it. The Chilean poet Cecelia Vicunos writes: 'In Nahuatl, one of the names for God is nearness and togetherness.' We wish to be unique and together at once. It is a kind of sadness, this longing.

. . .

"There is a word that comes to us from the Middle Low German that means to be tongue-tied. Not so much that one cannot think what to say, but that the experience is so beyond words and the conditions defined by words and their reasoned order that the tongue is tied by expressing silence. It is mumchance. It is the experience one has confronting something beyond meaning.

. . .


"It is not for understanding
nor clarity of meaning
I listen carefully to you,
late thrush
across the meadows."

-- St. Nadie in Winter: Zen Encounters with Loneliness Terrance Keenan (Journey Editions, 2001), 9-11.

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