Here's an excerpt of the excerpt from Kathleen Raine, which was linked in my last post:
"This at least we know, that humanity cannot be defined or described
in material terms or in terms of quantity. Measurement cannot
discover the immeasurable. The power that moves the sun and the
other stars lies altogether outside the order of materialistic
science and its child, technology. I quote again from William
Every natural effect has a spiritual cause,And I ask again: What is the use of more and more communication
And not a natural. A natural cause only seems.
systems, universal literacy and the rest, unless we know whom
we are educating and for what end? I am reminded of some lines
by T. S. Eliot, from The Waste Land:
I can connectTechnology, whose 'medium is the message,' so we have
Nothing with nothing.
been told, can only connect 'nothing with nothing.'
All those international and interdisciplinary exchanges, all that
instantaneous flashing of information on TV screens across the
globe is futile unless there is a reconnection with the lost source."
-- from Transition to a Global Society, pp. 151-56
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